The History of ASP
In the world of international law enforcement, there is little room for error. Performance is paramount. Failure is not an option. Among the men and women of this specialized profession, the name ASP is synonymous with quality. Designs without equal. Products you can literally stake your life on.
For over 30 years, the ASP Insignia has stood for innovative design. Flawless function. An unmatched standard of service.
ASP designs are produced in five distinct product categories. Each is unique. A product line so advanced that it is protected by over 150 patents.
In 81 countries throughout the world, ASP is the first choice of quiet professionals. Innovative concepts. Field proven designs. An uncompromising standard of quality. ASP... when you cannot afford less.
ASP was founded in 1976 by Kevin Parsons. A PhD in Police Management from Michigan State University, Parsons spent half a decade teaching firearms and defense tactics at a regional police academy. A nationally respected consultant, he had designed Use of Force training systems for major law enforcement clients across the country. The nation's premier expert witness, he had testified over 500 times defending police agencies in 43 states. A frequent lecturer on Use of Force policy, training and administrative procedure, he was a frequent lecturer for a diverse group of professional organizations ranging from the International Association of Chiefs of Police to the American Bar Association. In each venue, he taught the necessity of systems that were tactically sound, operationally feasible and legally defensible. It was this real world, street oriented background that Kevin Parsons brought to the design of ASP products.
A Revolution
When ASP was incorporated as a small, unknown startup company with limited resources, the baton industry was dominated by firms that were well financed and deeply entrenched. They held a philosophy that was dramatically at odds with the rigors of ASP competency based training. Today, ASP is the dominant intermediate force manufacturer in the law enforcement community. ASP is the most widely utilized baton and handcuff training in the world. The effectiveness of the ASP system is proven every day on the street. This distinctive commitment to the men and women of law enforcement is what distinguishes ASP. An unwavering dedication to quality. World class products defined by their unmatched performance.
Development criteria
Three basis criteria exist for the development of new ASP products. First, the design must be functional, the best in its class. Second, the product must incorporate new technology... an innovative solution to a real world problem. Third, each concept must be unique... innovative enough to be patented. In short, new ASP products must make a positive contribution to the profession. The best or nothing for those who can afford no less.
Meeting a need
ASP products come from the field. Every ASP design meets a specific real world need. Each is built to a standard of quality that is unmatched in the industry. Each year ASP donates almost $2 million in free training to the profession. It is a longstanding corporate commitment to the men and women of law enforcement. This extremely close working relationship with those who use ASP products led to designation as the firm "Protecting Those Who Protect."
Five product categories
ASP Batons form the foundation of the ASP product line. Restraints provide a full range of secure control options. Trainingproducts promote the safe instruction of ASP tactical designs. ASP OC is devastatingly effective in a unique delivery system. LED Lighting is incredibly bright and forms the fifth product category. These five classes of ASP Law Enforcement products provide a diverse range of innovative personal safety designs.
Dominating the field
Ongoing research and development programs remain the cornerstone of ASP innovation. A technology driven corporation, ASP commits a significant percentage of its annual revenue to the design, production and testing of new products. This leading edge technology has created a new standard of safety for the profession. Innovative design. Cutting edge production. Unmatched quality. Performance you can stake your life on. This is the world of ASP.
The standard of excellence
For over a quarter century, ASP has directed a quest for excellence in product innovation and equipment design. The firm's passion for quality has set the standard in the profession. Today ASP continues to pursue its founding principle. Proud of its heritage. Committed to its goal. Uncompromising in its dedication. ASP... Protecting Those Who Protect.